Thursday, February 5, 2009

Reduce, Reuse, Re--

Re Bokashicycle

Another retailer has entered the fray, this one with a different approach to the "what do you do after the bucket" question: he or they consider(s) cured bokashi to be finished. Which it is, technically, at least for one use: cured bokashi can be used as is, without additional treatment, as a slow-release fertilizer. No composting necessary.

(Though some would say that the plant roots and soil organisms macro and micro complete the composting process, that's really a quibble; what the Cyclettes object to on their site are particular potential outcomes with some composting processes, but breakdowns via plant growth wouldn't result in those anyway. Nor, it should be noted, would properly managed hot compost, but that’s a matter for another post.)

Burying cured bokashi and then planting over it--after an interim to allow pH corrections in the soil--has always been one of the more common retailer-suggested post-bucket uses. Slow-release fertilizers introduced before sowing can keep plants happy throughout the growing season and improve soil at the same time. Sounds great! And relatively easy.

Unfortunately for us landless and soil-poor folks, there's a limit to the volume container-gardeners can treat this way. "Get it back into the ground" doesn't apply if you have no ground to get it into.

So I'm probably not their target audience even discounting the approach of the site's writer or writers. Which is not exactly an odd experience for me, and if it gets anyone to divert organic matter from the trashstream, it's worth cheering.

I think.


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